I put together these pages to help you get started on your Axolotl journey. If you aren’t sure if these slimy cuties are the right pets for you, or if you’re just looking for some recommendations you have come to the right place! There’s a lot to go over and I’ll probably forget something; drop me a line (at my email below) if you have any questions (about Axolotl).
I am not affiliated with any of these brands or products, and I don’t receive any commissions. These are the products I personally use for my Axolotl. I am not a Vet, this advice is meant to keep your Axolotl healthy, I am not qualified to diagnose or treat any condition.
My #1 priority is the health and safety of the Axolotl from my care, so I want to share all the knowledge I have accumulated so that the Axolotl have the best life possible. Because they have little to no habitat in the wild I believe that it is on us to give them the best life possible at home.